Afghan Supreme Leader Declares Attacks on Pakistan Forbidden


Sheikh Hibatullah Akhunzada, the supreme leader of Afghanistan’s ruling Taliban, has issued a significant decree declaringcross-border attacks, including those on Pakistan, as interdicted under Islam. This proclamation aims to discourage conditioning that undermine relations between the two countries and to discourage groups like Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan( TTP) and their Afghan sympathizers from conducting conduct that could strain the Afghan- Pakistani relationship. The directive issued by Sheikh Hibatullah emphasizes that all groups must pledge constancy to him and cease attacking Pakistan, as similar conduct are declared haram( interdicted). The Afghan supreme leader also stated that Afghan citizens are banned from crossing the border for bellicosity, and those who are killed in Pakistan won’t be considered killers. also, the decree mentions that no Afghan government functionary will attend the sepultures of zealots involved incross-border terrorism. Taliban Defense Minister Muhammad Yaqoob developed on Sheikh Hibatullah’s order, stating that the supreme leader has ended the conception of jihad( holy war) abroad. Obedience to this decree is now obligatory for all Taliban members. Yaqoob emphasized that if zealots continue to fight despite orders to stop, it’ll be considered hostility rather than jihad. This decree signifies a notable shift in the Taliban’s approach and could potentially impact the conditioning of militant groups that have preliminarily operated across the Afghan- Pakistani border. The emphasis on avoidingcross-border attacks and maintaining peaceful relations with neighboring countries aligns with the Taliban’s sweats to establish a stable governance structure in Afghanistan and secure transnational recognition. The decree also underscores the Taliban’s sweats to present a more moderate and responsible image on the global stage.


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