Asad Umar’s Bail Extended in Cipher Case


In a recent development within the Special Court presiding over cases related to the Official Secrets Act, former Secretary- General of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf( PTI), Asad Umar, had his bail extended in a cipher- related case.

Asad Umar, accompanied by his legal counsel Babar Awan, appeared before Judge Abu Al- Hasnat Zulqarnain, who granted an extension of his bail until September 14. Following the court’s decision, Asad Umar emphasized the sensitive nature of the cipher document, asserting that it should remain within the confines of the foreign office.

specially, the former Prime Minister responded to inquiries from the Federal Investigation Agency( FIA) regarding the cipher. Just last Tuesday, original reports had suggested that Asad Umar was arrested in connection with a cipher disquisition. still, he vehemently denied these reports, making a public appearance to secure bail, shortly after the detention of other party leaders.

In a affiliated development, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf( PTI) Vice Chairman and former Foreign Minister, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, was restrained at his Islamabad hearthstone. Shah Mehmood Qureshi’s arrest was linked to the Cypher case, and he was latterly taken to the Federal Investigation Authority( FIA) headquarters. It’s essential to punctuate that Azam Khan, the former star Secretary to the PTI Chairman andex-Prime Minister, made astounding exposures. He claimed that the former Prime Minister had employed a US cipher for his” political advantage” and to baffle a no- confidence stir against his leadership.


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