Following Senate, National Assembly (NA) Approves Official Secrets (Amendment) Bill 2023


The National Assembly of Pakistan has approved the Official Secrets( Correction) Bill 2023, following the Senate’s recent decision to green- light the legislation with some variations. The bill, which was originally passed by the National Assembly but faced contestation in the Senate due to certain clauses, has now beenre-approved by both houses of congress. The emendations to the Official Secrets Act include the junking of a controversial provision that would have granted intelligence agencies the authority to conduct raids and make apprehensions without taking clearances. This change was made in response to enterprises raised by legislators and other stakeholders. Law Minister Azam Nazeer Tarar presented the revised bill in the Senate and emphasized that the Federal Investigation Agency( FIA) would be empowered to probe individualities suspected of violating the Official Secrets Act. He also mentioned that certain reprehensible words had been removed from the bill. In addition to the Official Secrets( Correction) Bill, the National Assembly passed several other legislations during the same session. These include the PIA Corporation( Amendment) Bill, 2023; Advanced Education Commission( Amendment) Bill, 2023; Federal Urdu University Arts lores, Technology( Amendment) Bill 2023; National Commission for nonages Bill 2023; Federal Public Service Commission( Amendment) Bill, 2023; and Price Control and Prevention of Unjustified Profiteering Correction Bill, 2023. These legislative developments reflect the ongoing sweats of Pakistan’s congress to address colorful issues and legislate reforms in different sectors of governance and public policy.


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