Independence Day: Sindh CM Declares Remission for Prisoners

In a gesture of compassion and commemoration of Pakistan’s 76th Independence Day, Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah of Sindh province has announced a special remission in sentences for prisoners. This reduction will contribute to the commemoration of the nation’s progress and struggle for freedom. The move reflects the province’s commitment to upholding justice while recognizing the significance of this historical occasion.

Sentence Reduction and Special Remission:
The provincial government of Sindh has granted a significant reduction in sentences for prisoners on the occasion of Pakistan’s Independence Day. This reduction, which spans 120 days, is made under Rule 788 of the Sindh Prisons and Corrections Service Rules, 2019.
The decision was taken based on the recommendations of the Inspector General of Prisons, Sindh. This gesture of leniency aims to provide relief to prisoners who have been convicted and are serving sentences within the province.

Exclusions and Criteria:
It’s important to note that this remission does not apply to prisoners who have already received special remission in their sentences during the current calendar year on the occasions of Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Azha.
Additionally, certain categories of prisoners are excluded from this reduction. Those convicted of severe crimes such as murder, espionage, subversion, anti-state activities, terrorist activities, rape, kidnapping/abduction, robbery, dacoity, and those facing sentences under the Foreigners Act 1946 are not eligible for the special remission.

Independence Day Celebrations:
The announcement of sentence reduction coincides with Pakistan’s Independence Day celebrations. This day is observed with enthusiasm and patriotism across the nation.
The national flag is hoisted in prominent locations, including main roads, highways, and public buildings. The illuminated flags and decorations serve as a reminder of the country’s journey towards sovereignty and freedom.

Cultural and Literary Programs:
Independence Day celebrations extend beyond flags and decorations. Cultural and literary organizations have arranged special programs to commemorate the occasion.
These programs aim to honor the sacrifices made by the forefathers and national heroes in the struggle for an independent homeland. Through discussions, exhibitions, and artistic expressions, these events highlight the significance of this historical day.

Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah’s announcement of sentence reduction for prisoners on Pakistan’s Independence Day showcases the province’s commitment to justice and humanity. This compassionate gesture acknowledges the challenges faced by prisoners while striving to maintain a balanced judicial system. As Pakistan commemorates its 76th Independence Day, the sentence reduction serves as a testament to the values of compassion and unity that underlie the nation’s progress and development.


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