PTI chairman requests IHC to prevent his arrest in any other case


On Tuesday, the former Prime Minister and Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf( PTI) made a formal request to the Islamabad High Court( IHC) prompting them to instruct the police and the public Responsibility Bureau( NAB) to refrain from arresting him in any ongoing or unborn cases.

The PTI Chairman submitted a plea to the IHC through his legal counsel, Salman Safdar. In his plea, he supplicated the IHC to issue an order precluding the police from making any attempts to arrest him in connection with any case. likewise, he requested the court to expedite the hail of his plea.

also, the Islamabad High Court is listed to advertise a preliminarily reserved verdict on Tuesday regarding the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf( PTI) Chairman’s solicitation. This solicitation challenges his conviction and sentencing in the Toshakhana case. before this month, a quarter and sessions court in the civil capital had doomed Imran Khan to three times in captivity and assessed a forfeiture of Rs 100,000 after chancing him shamefaced of engaging in loose practices related to the state gift depository.

The court had asserted that Khan had designedly submitted false information regarding Toshakhana gifts to the Election Commission of Pakistan( ECP) and had been set up shamefaced of loose practices. As a result, the court also ruled him ineligible to hold public office for a period of five times. Following the trial court’s verdict, the former Prime Minister was instantly arrested and has been in guardianship at Attock jail since.


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