PTI Chairman’s Narrative on Cipher Dismissed as Conspiracy Theory Amid Diplomatic Language Claims


The conspiracy narrative presented by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf( PTI) president regarding the contended US cypher has been refuted by a story published in The Intercept, which confirms that it was simply a” hard” politic language. This disclosure comes as a blow to the PTI president’s claims that the US was involved in his junking from power in 2022 grounded on the content of a politic string. The Intercept’s story clarifies that they don’t have access to a dupe of the cypher document, nor have any sources verified its content after declassification. The media outlet tried to corroborate the authenticity of the document but was unprofitable in doing so. The content of The Intercept’s report aligns with former claims made by the former high minister, demonstrating that the cypher wasn’t a trouble from the US but rather a form of strong politic communication. The report highlights that the statement attributed to Donald Lu, a US diplomat, was his particular opinion and not a” trouble” to the government. This standpoint was corroborated by Pakistan’s National Security Committee, which reviewed the politic string in question on two separate occasions. The contestation girding the cypher dupe has also raised questions about its whereabouts. While the former high minister claimed to be ignorant of its actuality, it has now come apparent that he was indeed apprehensive of it. Some individualities are calling for action against the former high minister under the Official Secrets Act for allegedly” oohing” the cypher dupe and violating politic morals. In substance, The Intercept’s report has cast mistrustfulness on the PTI president’s assertions and corroborated the notion that the cypher was a politic communication rather than substantiation of a conspiracy.


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