Qamar Zaman Kaira Says: Elections Unlikely to Be Postponed


Adviser to the Prime Minister, Qamar Zaman Kaira, expressed doubt about the possibility of holding elections on time as the assemblies are nearing completion of their tenures. He stated that he does not have faith in the timely conduct of elections and believes that there is no likelihood of postponing the election.

Kaira also mentioned that the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) has objections over the population census and wants the election to be based on the new census data. However, he asserted that delaying the elections for a year due to the census issue is impossible and elections must be held on time regardless of this matter.

Regarding the caretaker setup, Kaira suggested that consultation with the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) is essential as they are a significant political stakeholder. He emphasized the need for a level playing field for all political parties and stressed that decisions should be taken with the input and feedback of all parties to ensure acceptance and avoid objections.

Kaira also lamented that in Pakistan, parties are frequently formed and dissolved, which he sees as a challenge to the stability of the political system. He urged for a fair and inclusive electoral process where every eligible party can participate, except those that may be restricted by court orders.


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