Sheikh Rashid: State Sunk, People Taking to the Streets for Survival


Awami Muslim League( AML) principal Sheikh Rashid on Monday blamed the government for its profitable programs, saying that the state had been sunk, not saved.

He said that doubling the electricity bill was profitable self-murder and that the government shouldn’t anticipate the people to bear the mass of its mismanagement. Rashid also questioned the decision to subscribe an agreement with the IMF, saying that it would only lead to further affectation and poverty.

He called on all political parties to unite and demand early choices, saying that the current government had lost the trust of the people. Rashid’s review comes at a time when the country is facing a number of profitable challenges, including rising affectation, severance, and a widening trade deficiency.

The government has been trying to address these challenges by enforcing austerity measures and seeking backing from the IMF. still, these measures have so far failed to produce any significant results. Rashid’s commentary suggest that the government is facing adding pressure from the public and from within its own species.

It remains to be seen whether the government will be suitable to ride the storm and apply the necessary reforms to revive the frugality.


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