South Korea Scrambles to Cool Down Scouts as Heatwave Hits Jamboree


South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol has taken action to address the heat- related health issues faced by hundreds of teenage actors at the World Scout Jamboree being held in southwestern Buan. As temperatures exceeded 38 degrees Celsius(100.4 Fahrenheit) in some corridor of the country, at least 600 people have been treated for heat- related affections during the event. In response, President Yoon ordered the deployment of air- conditioned motorcars and water exchanges to the spree point to give relief for the scouts. He called for an” unlimited” force of motorcars where the actors can rest and cool down, and water exchanges to insure access to water to stay doused . also, President Yoon emphasized the need to ameliorate the quality of food handed to the youthful people and prompted all government agencies to work together to address any issues at the campground. The World Scout Jamboree, which is hosting further than 43,000 actors, substantially progressed between 14 and 18, is the first global gathering of scouts since the epidemic began. The extreme heatwave has urged immediate measures to insure the safety and well- being of the youthful attendees during the event.


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