Taylor Swift’s Electrifying Seattle Concert Shakes Up Website with Seismic Traffic


Taylor Swift’s concerts in Seattle caused seismic activity equivalent to a 2.3 magnitude earthquake, as confirmed by seismologist Jackie Caplan-Auerbach. The data was recorded during Swift’s sold-out Eras tour performances at Lumen Field on 22 and 23 July.

The source of the seismic activity, according to Dr. Caplan-Auerbach, was likely the enthusiastic reaction of Swift’s fans or the powerful sound system used during the concerts. This remarkable event surpassed the previous record in Seattle, known as the “Beast Quake” in 2011, which occurred during a football game when Seattle Seahawks fans celebrated Marshawn Lynch’s touchdown against the New Orleans Saints.

While the difference in magnitude between the two events was only 0.3, the shaking during Swift’s concerts was twice as strong, effectively doubling the seismic impact. Dr. Caplan-Auerbach observed that the seismic signals recorded from both nights of the concert were almost identical when overlaid.

The concerts in Seattle attracted a total of 144,000 fans over the course of two nights, making it a remarkable and memorable weekend for Swift and her fans. Swift expressed her gratitude on Instagram, stating that it was one of her favorite weekends ever, thanking the fans for their enthusiastic cheering, screaming, jumping, dancing, and singing.

It is not uncommon for music concerts to cause seismic activity. Past instances include a 2011 Foo Fighters concert in New Zealand that also generated seismic signals due to the fans’ enthusiastic response. Taylor Swift’s successful return to touring after five years has proven her immense popularity and the impact she has on her devoted fanbase.


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