Umrah-Returned Couple Falls Victim to Robbery in Karachi


In a distressing incident, three contended culprits targeted a couple who had just returned to Karachi after performing Umrah. The thievery took place in Liaquat AbadNo. 3, where the couple was brazened by the stealers outside their hearthstone.

The culprits, dressed in police uniforms, held the couple at gunpoint and progressed to maraud them. The couple, who had just completed their Umrah passage and returned from Jeddah, fell victim to the stealers’ scheme. The stealers took both original and foreign currency from the couple before making a quick escape from the scene. The affected citizen, Arshad Hussain, incontinently reported the incident to the Super Market Police Station.

He reported that three individualities in a white Corolla, disguised as police officers, approached them. They claimed to be conducting an identity check and took advantage of the situation to catch a bag containing colorful currencies from his woman . The stolen particulars included 2200 Saudi Riyals, 10 Dirhams, 5 Australian Dollars, and five thousand Pakistani Rupees.

Police authorities have initiated an disquisition and registered a report regarding the incident. There’s a dubitation that the culprits might have followed the couple from the field. sweats are being made to gather CCTV camera footage from the vicinity to identify the perpetrators and bring them to justice. This unfortunate incident highlights the need for advanced security measures to cover citizens, particularly those who have lately returned from religious pilgrimages.


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