PM Unveils Mobile App ‘Awaz Khazana’ for Radio Broadcasting


Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has officially launched the’ Awaz Khazana’ Radio App during a form that concentrated on the reanimation of the Pakistani film assiduity in Lahore. Speaking at the launching form of the Awaz Khazana app, the high minister expressed his appreciation for the benefactions of Pakistani film actors to the film assiduity. He conceded that artists and directors have played a significant part in creating dateless workshop of art, and actors have executed their places effectively. During the form, the high minister also blazoned the release of colorful programs, including a film policy, music policy, and radio library policy. also, he distributed health cards and awards to artists in recognition of their benefactions. likewise, the civil press had lately approved Pakistan’s first- ever music policy. This policy aims to address issues related to pirating, brand, and other challenges faced by the music assiduity. The policy includes vittles for the preservation of Pakistan’s musical heritage, creation of the current music geography, and the protection of musical workshop through a comprehensive legal frame. The launch of the Awaz Khazana Radio App and the preface of the music policy are significant way toward fostering the growth and development of Pakistan’s entertainment and artistic sectors.


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