President Alvi Approves Army Act Amendment and Official Secrets Act Bills

President Arif Alvi has officially signed into law two significant bills, the Official Secrets (Amendment) Bill, 2023, and the Pakistan Army Act (Amendment) Bill, 2023. These bills, previously passed by the parliament during the coalition government’s tenure, have now received the president’s ratification.

The Official Secrets Act has been amended to strengthen national security measures. It imposes severe penalties, including up to five years of imprisonment, for the unauthorized disclosure of information acquired in an official capacity that pertains to national security. Notably, disclosures made with the permission of the Army Chief or authorized officers will not be subject to punitive measures.

The legislation further addresses electronic crimes targeting the reputation of the Pakistan Army. Individuals involved in such electronic crimes will face prosecution under electronic crime laws.
The amendments to the Official Secrets Act, 1923, were deemed necessary to enhance the security of official documents in response to changing social dynamics. The bill’s Section 3 defines various actions as offenses, including approaching or entering prohibited areas and creating materials intended to benefit an enemy.
Moreover, the bill criminalizes obtaining, collecting, recording, or disclosing secret official codes, passwords, electronic devices, sketches, plans, or notes intended for the benefit of an enemy.

Section 9 of the bill introduces penalties for incitement, conspiracy, or attempts to commit offenses, with potential imprisonment of up to three years, fines of up to one million, or both.
The legislation designates the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) to appoint investigating officers, and the DG FIA will oversee this process. Additionally, the bill allows for the formation of joint investigation teams when necessary, enhancing the effectiveness of investigations.

Importantly, these amendments grant intelligence agencies the authority to conduct warrantless searches “anywhere and anytime.” This expanded authority aims to bolster national security measures and responses.
These legislative changes signify significant steps toward strengthening national security, protecting official information, and upholding the integrity of the Pakistan Army. They demonstrate a commitment to adapting to contemporary security challenges and safeguarding the nation’s interests.


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