Commencement of Annual Urs of Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai

The vibrant 280th Urs celebrations of the revered Sufi poet Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai commenced in Bhit Shah on Friday with great enthusiasm.

The formal inauguration of the Urs festivities was marked by the solemn laying of wreaths at the resting place of the esteemed Sufi saint.

In order to ensure a serene atmosphere for the multitude of devotees, strict security measures have been put in place. All necessary arrangements have been meticulously organized to provide essential amenities to attendees.

Reports suggest that the three-day Urs ceremony commences with engaging activities such as poetry marathons and literature conferences.

Traditionally, the Urs festivities start on the 14th Safar, the second month of the Hijra calendar, and extend over a period of three days.

Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai, who lived from 1689 to 1752, was a revered Sufi poet and saint of great significance.

He is widely acclaimed as the preeminent poet of the Sindhi language.
His extensive collection of poems is compiled in the renowned work “Shah Jo Risalo,” which exists in multiple versions and has been translated into various languages including English and Urdu.


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