CTD Operation: Eight Terrorists Eliminated in Successful Raid in Balochistan


The Counter-Terrorism Department( CTD) has reported that they successfully annulled eight terrorists in separate operations in Balochistan within the last 24 hours.

In the first operation, acting on a tip, the CTD conducted a raid on a house in Basima, located in the Washuk quarter. The terrorists inside the house engaged in a fierce attack with law enforcement officers, which lasted for a considerable duration. During this hassle, five of the terrorists were killed, while three others managed to escape.

latterly, the CTD discovered a significant cache of munitions and security while searching the den. The individualities of the departed terrorists are presently under verification. In the alternate operation, which took place in Quetta, the CTD successfully saved a abducted child and annulled three abductors linked to a banned association.

These individualities had kidnapped the child for rescue. During the operation, the CTD also sequestered arms and security from the den. These operations signify the ongoing sweats of Pakistani security forces to combat terrorism and maintain law and order in the region.


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